Islamic Economic Analysis of Mobile Legends Game Account Trading Transactions: A Case Study of @Molependia Instagram Account
Mobile Legends Online Game 2023 is one of the most widely played online games by Indonesian gamers. The popularity of this game is closely related to the fact that it has low system requirements, allowing even low-spec smartphones to play it. This game is highly favored by gamers due to the unique skins, heroes, and real-life icons transformed into a virtual medium, which makes it engaging to play. Many Mobile Legends accounts in 2023 are being bought and sold, and often there are discrepancies in the accounts being traded. For example, account photos showing certain heroes and skins do not match what is displayed when the buyer logs in and checks the account’s contents. Thus, it can be said that there is a defect in the transactions conducted. Based on the background outlined above, the author is interested in analyzing the Islamic legal perspective on the buy-and-sell transactions of Mobile Legends 2023 game accounts on the Instagram account @Molependia. This study uses a qualitative method, with data collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The research findings reveal that the buy-and-sell transactions of Mobile Legends 2023 game accounts on the @Molependia Instagram account are conducted via WhatsApp to establish an agreement. Once the agreement is made, the buyer transfers the payment and receives the ID and password for the purchased account. Based on the contract, the Islamic legal analysis confirms that the transaction is valid as it meets the requirements and conditions of a legitimate sale.
Keywords: Mobile Legends Game Account Trade, Islamic Economic Law