International Scientific and Innovative Research Publisher


General Ethical Policies:

  1. Basis for Ethics:

    • ISIR Publisher adheres to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines and the International Committee of GSAR Publishers Editorial Board codes of conduct.
  2. Responsibilities of Publisher:

    • Editorial decisions are final, made based on professional judgment, free from commercial interests.
    • Ensuring the integrity of academic and research records.
    • Continuous monitoring of ethics by various stakeholders.
    • Vigilance against plagiarism and fraudulent data issues.
    • Willingness to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when needed.
Duties and Responsibilities of Editors:
  1. Authority and Decision-Making:

    • Editors have full authority to reject/accept manuscripts.
    • Decision-making is based on professional judgment and discussion with other editors and reviewers.
  2. Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest:

    • Maintain confidentiality of submitted manuscripts.
    • Preserve the anonymity of reviewers.
    • Disclose and avoid conflicts of interest.
  3. Academic Integrity:

    • Preserve academic integrity and meet the needs of readers and authors.
  4. Plagiarism and Fraudulent Data:

    • Investigate and address plagiarism and fraudulent data issues.
    • Willingness to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when needed.
Duties and Responsibilities of Reviewers:
  1. Assisting Editorial Decision:

    • Assist editors in making decisions on manuscript publication.
  2. Confidentiality and Objectivity:

    • Maintain confidentiality of manuscripts.
    • Provide timely and objective comments.
    • Avoid conflicts of interest.
Duties and Responsibilities of Authors:
  1. Originality and Agreement:

    • Authors must ensure that their work is not plagiarized and is an original contribution.
    • Agree not to submit the manuscript elsewhere during the review period.
  2. Full Responsibility:

    • Authors take full responsibility for their submitted and published work.
Violation of Publication Ethics:
  1. Plagiarism:

    • Intentionally using someone else’s ideas or material without proper citation.
    • All manuscripts are subject to plagiarism screening.
  2. Data Fabrication and Falsification:

    • Falsifying or fabricating research data or results.
  3. Simultaneous Submission:

    • Submitting a manuscript to a journal while it is under consideration by another journal.
  4. Duplicate and Redundant Publications:

    • Duplicate publication: Sharing essentially the same content without cross-referencing.
    • Redundant publications: Inappropriately dividing study outcomes into multiple articles.

The guidelines emphasize the importance of ethical conduct at every stage of the publication process and provide a framework for handling ethical violations. Authors, reviewers, and editors are expected to adhere to these ethical standards.