International Scientific and Innovative Research Publisher


Language: Papers are accepted only in English.

Page Format: Manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word, using Times New Roman font (size 12), A4 size, with 1-inch margins on all four sides, and arranged in two columns. Line spacing should be one space, including references and tables. Text must be within 30 printable pages; additional pages may incur charges.

Manuscript Title: The title should be a short phrase. Author Information: Provide full names and affiliations of all authors, including emails and phone numbers of the corresponding author.

Abstract: The abstract should be under 300 words. Following the abstract, include a list of keywords (up to 7) and abbreviations.

Introduction: Clearly state current issues in the introduction.

Materials and Methods: Clearly define the materials and methods section.

Results and Discussion: Authors can combine results and discussion or present them separately.

Acknowledgment: Include brief information, grant details, and funding sources in this section.

References: Arrange references at the end of the manuscript in order of appearance in the text.

Use bracketed citations (e.g., Single Author: (Rahul, S. 2018), Multiple Authors: (Rahul et al., 2018)). Follow the APA Citation Style.

Publication Fees: No submission charges are applied, but authors are required to pay publication fees upon acceptance.

Proofreading and Publication: Proofreading will be sent to the corresponding author before publication. Authors should carefully review and return the proof to the editorial office.

Authors are encouraged to carefully adhere to these guidelines when preparing and submitting their manuscripts to ensure a smooth review and publication process.