Banking Loyalty in Ho Chi Minh City: The Role of Service Quality, Satisfaction, and Trust

This research delves into the various factors which play a role in shaping the loyalty of customers towards banking institutions located in HCMC (Ho Chi Minh City). Unlike other commercial operations, providing banking services necessitates the establishment of strong foundations of trust and satisfaction in order to maintain long-term and successful connections to customers. This is critical since banking includes managing people’s funds while also maintaining their security and trust in the institution. The primary objective of this study is to pinpoint the fundamental components, namely the caliber of service provision, the level of customer gratification, the degree of trustworthiness, and the convenience of transactions, that wield an influence on the choices made by patrons to maintain their allegiance to a specific bank. A questionnaire was distributed to 116 people who regularly use banking services in the urban region. The findings show that exceptional service, increased customer satisfaction, strong trust in the financial institution, and efficient banking operations significantly increase customer loyalty. The findings suggest that financial institutions should focus on improving these aspects in order to effectively retain their customer.

Keywords: Customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, customer trust, service quality