This article focuses on : the fight against unemployment in a petty trading in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It aims to identify the main levers to sustainably reduce unemployment in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The study was part of a hypothetico-deductive paradigm. The analysis was quantitative and applied the ARDL regression method based on macroeconomic data from the DRC from 1991 to 2021.
Estimates form the ARDL method have shown that beyond cyclical and structural changes, the petty trading is intended to be a shock absorber of unemployment in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Ultimately, it is appropriate to emphasize the need for industrialization, the mechanization of agriculture, the implementation of an incentive and employment policy aimed, on the one hand, at the formalization of informal activities, and on the other. On the other hand, the creation and security of jobs based on a hybrid model of the fight against unemployment and cultural change in the revitalization of gender.
KeyWords : Unemployment ; petty trading ; ARDL method ; economic policy ; levers
JEL : J4-O17